A Little Farmers Savings Account is a great way for children to get some early lessons with their money. Learning how to budget and to save for something special is a terrific start to a lifetime of money management.
Savings Account for Children Age 12 and Under
- Free gift bag and Farmers Piggy Bank upon opening an account
- No minimum balance required to open
- Unlimited deposits
- Interest compounded quarterly
- Quarterly Statements (March, June, September, and December)
- Six withdrawals or transfer per month ($1 fee will be charged for each withdrawal in excess of 6 per month.)*
- Free gift from the Treasure Chest with each deposit
- Invitations to special parties and events.
- Helps children learn the value of money and how important it is to budget and save.
Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles will all enjoy helping the account grow - knowing that they are teaching their little one lessons that will last a lifetime.